A lot of people discredit that small still voice that nudges them along. Sometimes, being afraid of taking the risk of failing, or looking the fool, or being wrong altogether are the reasons that the quiet voice is pushed aside. We have been trained that bigger is better. The squeaky wheel gets oiled, therefore if it is not a totally brilliant idea where a lot of people are encouraging and pushing you along, we tend to discount quiet still voice that is gently prodding us to expand our horizons.
It is scary to take a step of faith for something that may or may not work out. That is what life experience is for, trying new things. Going on hunches, having adventures, believing in something enough to see it through even when you don't have overwhelming support. I am not very technically minded, but that does not mean that I don't appreciate the technology that we have today. That very technology phones, computers, internet, television, and the ever handy gps are products of people who have gone on hunches and ideas. Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell were the early pioneers that took their ideas, and people thought them crazy and eccentric, and these men proved them wrong. Now the modern pioneers are still looked at as odd balls, but they are odd balls living pretty comfortably. Steve Jobs, James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau invented the phone tooth, or how about Dr. Joseph Rizzo and Professor John Wyatt - haven't heard of them? Well, they invented the microelectronic retinal implant to restore vision to patients with age-related macular degeneration and blindness.
These people all started out with an idea and they followed it through. The idea is often intuition, leading, guiding, and prodding. It is not loud, does not shout, it is not rude. We all fail sometimes, that is part of life. It is not fun, it is not glorious, but it is learning and teaching us what does not work, often times giving us a better idea of what does work. The key to honing in on your intuition, is to let yourself be quiet, let yourself play, allow yourself to explore, and put aside what others think or say. "You can't please all the people all the time" Abe Lincoln has been quoted, and he is right. Be true to your inner voice, get advice, weigh it and check it and if it gives peace to your soul, follow it.
What are your dreams, your inspirations that you have cast off and put aside because someone said that wasn't a good idea? Do they still hold a spot in your mind and heart? Take a chance, life is too short not to. Have you ever noticed that old people rarely regret the things they did, only the things that they didn't do? Listen to your intuition, often times it will lead you down the road of happiness.
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